Oxhey Community Hall King Edward Rd Watford WD19 4DA

Tango Outline



WRFC Tango course

Tangoduende students


1/ Basic walks solo to star with. Various balance exercises. Posture and explanations

2/ Working as couples using shoulders as steering. Walking around the room changing direction. Baldosa step. Ocho explanations.

3/ Salida pattern. Then the cross basic pattern introducing some forward ocho patterns

4/ Giros basics from side step lead.

5/ Cambio de pies from various positions.

6/ Recap steps and introduce back ochos.


1/ Side step into sandwich cross over forward ocho with variations.

2/ Salida into 5th (cross) position leading into forward ocho and following  giro.

3/ Cross basic into travelling back ochos and variations from that.

4/ Back ocho, Sandwich, arrastre into forward ocho variations.

5/ Salida into 5th position, several forward ochos then block the foot and drag it.

6/ Recap and introduce some sacada movements